National Park Service History Webinars: A Short Survey


The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC, a site managed by the National Park Service, represents one of the 409 NPS sites around the country that benefit from the collaboration between the OAH and NPS. Photo credit: Joan M. Zenzen.

The Organization of American Historians Committee on National Park Service Collaboration is hosting a short survey to determine interest in developing a series of webinars. These webinars would address a perceived need for information about NPS and its history with respect to such topics as contracting, job pursuits, and research and writing. Based upon the responses, the OAH Committee will work with qualified individuals within NPS and others from academic and/or public spheres to offer one or more relevant webinars.

The OAH-NPS Collaboration Committee promotes NPS within the professional organization. The OAH and NPS have a long-time cooperative agreement, which has facilitated a range of work, from academic site visits to administrative histories.  Former NPS Chief Historian Dwight Pitcaithley pursued such an agreement as a way to strengthen interpretation and historical work at NPS sites.

Please take the survey here.

The survey will be live through Sunday, February 14. The Committee looks forward to reviewing your responses.

Joan M. Zenzen is an independent public historian who has written administrative histories of various national park sites, including four battlefield parks.  She chairs the OAH Committee on NPS Collaboration.  You can reach her at



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