Announcing the June JAH: “Historians and the Carceral State”


june coverWe are pleased to announce the publication of the June 2015 issue of the Journal of American History! The issue’s 14 articles are freely available to the public as pdf files. Be sure to share them widely. The issue is available here, and links to the individual articles are available at the end of this post.

To accompany this issue, the most recent Journal of American History Podcast (31 minutes) features contributing editors Kelly Lytle Hernández and Heather Ann Thompson speaking to Ed Linenthal about the special issueYou can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or RSS. Also check out their interview with Process about the special issue, their own experiences with histories of mass incarceration, and their views on teaching the history of incarceration. We will also be releasing interviews with this issue’s authors over the coming weeks.

Share your thoughts on the special issue in the comments section below, or by tweeting at us: @JournAmHist.


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